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Emergency Fund

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The Immigrant Alliance for Justice and Equity of Mississippi (IAJE) supports community leaders and community organizing. Perhaps our most important role is connecting immigrant and indigenous leaders and communities with critical resources. Together we organize to redistribute resources to ensure our community is constantly cared for. Much of this work is done through our Emergency Fund account, which has sadly dropped to below $500 after a series of mutual aid necessities. 


We are asking our supporters to help us reach a more impactful balance of $10,000 so we can more effectively respond to a series of urgent needs that are already here, and those that wait ahead. We would also be grateful if you share this information with caring individuals in your personal network. Here are just a few examples of causes that your donation would help this month:


  • Paying for hospital bills and food for families hurt in accidents.

  • Helping community members pay for critical medical care.

  • Providing supplemental formula to families with newborn children.

  • Repairing homes and replacing important items like vehicles after disasters.

  • Assisting in funeral and burial service, sometimes transnational.

  • Supporting post-detention needs.


Because of this urgency, we are hoping to raise this money by the end of June as these all require rapid action. 


You can donate through Paypal, Venmo us at @IAJEOFMS, or CashApp us at $IAJEofMS2021. Feel free to contact us at for any additional information you may require. Thank you for your continued support and caring spirit. Impacting Mississippi on a grassroot level takes the actions of many, and we are truly thankful for every dollar donated. 



Lorena Quiroz

Founder and Executive Director 
Immigrant Alliance for Justice and Equity (IAJE)


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